JALT2012 Featured Speaker articles

Page No.: 
Charles Browne, Carolyn Graham, Marjo Mitsutomi, Garold Murray, Ted O’Neill, Diane Nagatomo, John Wiltshier, and Sean Wray


Maximizing vocabulary development with online resources 
Charles Browne
Meiji Gakuin
Although there are now many online resources for accessing authentic video in and out of the classroom, this presentation argues that the gap between the average vocabulary size of typical EFL language learners and the amount of vocabulary needed to comprehend those videos is usually quite daunting. In this session, the presenter will begin by developing the argument for the importance of teaching high frequency vocabulary, citing some of his background research on the serious vocabulary gaps that face EFL learners in Asia. He will then describe the theoretical underpinnings of several online scaffolding tools he helped to develop for assisting students to be able to better comprehend unsimplified videos (as well as some excellent freeware and shareware equivalents). Participants will also be introduced to an approach for rating the difficulty of videos by their vocabulary content and simple techniques for developing targeted special purpose vocabulary lists based on corpus research of the transcripts of the video.
Making it memorable through songs and chants 
Carolyn Graham 
Author, Jazz Chants (Oxford University Press)
In the words of Alan Maley, it is rhythm that “underlies the ability to speak English accurately and with confidence.” Jazz Chants are a rhythmic expression of spoken American English. They are a particularly effective way to teach natural intonation and pronunciation in a fun, engaging way. Just as the selection of a particular tempo and beat in jazz may convey powerful and varied emotions, the rhythm stresses and intonation patterns of the spoken language are essential elements for the expression of the feelings and the intent of the speaker. Although the primary purpose is the improvement of speaking and listening comprehension skills, they also work well in reinforcing specific structures in a situational context. In this Featured Speaker Workshop, participants will learn ways to bring Jazz Chants into their classrooms and to create their own chants to help make a difference in the lives of their students.
Alan Maleyの言葉によると、「英語を正確に自信を持ってしゃべる能力の基盤となる」のはリズムである。ジャズチャンツはアメリカ口語英語のリズミカルな表現である。楽しく人を引きつける方法で、自然なイントネーションと発音を教えるのには特に効果的な方法である。ジャズの独特のテンポとビートが力強く変化に富んだ感情を伝えるのと同じように、話し言葉のリズム強勢とイントネーションパターンは、話し手の感情と意思表現のために不可欠な要素である。第1の目的はスピーキングとリスニングスキルの改善だが、ジャズチャンツは、1つ場面で特定の構文を強化にするのにも役立つ。このワークショップでは、参加者はジャズチャンツを各自の教室に持ち帰り、学習者の生活を変えるのに役立つように参加者独自のチャンツを作る方法を学ぶ。
The Ten Commandments of SLA
Marjo Mitsutomi
Akita International University
This workshop will address the most prevalent challenges in Japanese English education. The attendees will explore some key components which must be present for foreign language education to be successful. The speaker will examine case studies from California, Finland, and the aviation industry to draw some parallels of language education systems in different contexts. It appears that the underlying system motivation, which consists of assumptions, attitudes, and beliefs about language education, drive the decisions that ultimately affect student achievement
To make a difference, imagine a difference 
Garold Murray
Okayama University
This workshop will explore how teachers can work with imagination, narrative and autonomy in order to foster learners’ motivation. The introduction will provide an overview of the key constructs and situate the topic in the literature by briefly discussing Norton’s imagined communities and Dörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self System. These theories suggest that teachers might enhance learners’ motivation by helping them to develop and sustain visions of future selves as foreign language speakers and possible participants in target language communities. The rest of the workshop will focus on ways to do this.  Participants will have an opportunity to consider specific suggestions for classroom practice in relation to their own teaching context.  They will also be invited to engage in activities which draw on narratives of their own teaching experience and rely on their imagination as they devise ways to support learners’ visions and make those visions a reality.
このワークショップでは、学習者の動機づけを高めるために教師がどのように想像力と語ることと自律を用いて指導できるかを検討する。最初に、Nortonのimagined communitiesとDörnyeiのL2 Motivational Self Systemについて簡単に論じて基本概念と本論の位置づけを示す。これらの理論によれば、教師は学習者に目標言語コミュ二ティにおける外国語話者、さらにそのコミュニティへの参加者としての将来の自分を想像させ、その未来像を維持させることで、動機づけを高めることができるとしている。次に、ワークショップ後半では方法論に焦点を当てる。参加者は、自分の教育現場に関して、教室実践への具体的な提案を考える機会を持つ。また、教師が学習者の未来像を支え、その未来像を実現させる方法を考案できるように、自分達の教育経験を話し、想像力を活用するアクティビティに参加する。
Gender counts: Women in Japanese higher education
Diane Hawley Nagatomo
Ochanomizu University
Teachers’ identities form through constant movement between their personal and professional lives, and they are shaped by the wider sociocultural context in which they live and work. In Japan, a distinct gendered division between the educational and professional opportunities available for women and men may be at the heart of how teachers see themselves and how others see them. This featured speaker workshop at JALT will be comprised of two parts. The first part will be a guided discussion covering gender issues that influence the lives of Japanese and non-Japanese female and male teachers. The second half of the workshop will explore ways of interpreting identity formation through a guided analysis of data obtained from Japanese female university teachers’ narratives. Upon completion of this workshop, participants should have a greater understanding of a useful analytical tool for exploring gender-related issues in personal and professional settings.
Writing for your readers: Tools and approaches 
Ted O’Neill
Tokyo Medical and Dental University 
As teachers, we adjust our language to meet our students’ needs, but these choices can sometimes be based on flawed intuitions. In planning a lesson, we intentionally include or exclude forms or vocabulary to support learning goals. But once in the classroom, even the most experienced teacher’s ad hoc judgments can be wrong. Learners’ immediate responses should provide feedback, but this loop is broken when writing for learners; we do not have direct access to their understanding. Therefore, external checks on our linguistic choices become helpful. This workshop will demonstrate real world examples of using of corpora, text analysis tools, and other resources to analyze language. Participants will try tasks to see how these can be used to inform decisions when writing graded language. Teachers will leave better informed about the linguistic content of graded readers and with practices they can apply to their own writing and teaching.
教師は学生のニーズに合わせて自分の使う言葉を調節するが、時に不完全な直感に基づいた選択をすることもある。授業準備の際は、学習目標に沿って、表現形式や語彙を意図的に取り入れたり省いたりする。しかし授業中は、最も経験豊かな教師の臨機応変な判断でも間違いを起こすことがある。学習者の直接の反応は教師にとってフィードバックになるが、学習者のために執筆しているときには、この呼応が成り立たない。読者が理解しているかどうかは、直接情報が得られないからである。そのため、使用言語をどう選ぶかについては、外部の判断材料が役に立つ。このワークショップでは、言語分析のためにコーパス、テキスト分析ツールや、ほかのリソースなどの実例を提示する。参加者には、これらのリソースを英語学習者向けの言語で書く際にどう使うか理解してもらうために、タスクを試してもらう。 このワークショップで、教師は英語学習者のために易しく書かれた本の言語的内容について、より良い情報を得ることができるし、練習を積むことで、自分で書いたり教えたりするのに応用できるようになる。
Materials writing: Seven key factors
John Wiltshier
Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University
This is a 90 minute workshop. I will firstly explain seven key factors in successful material writing and publishing: idea, difficulty level, piloting, editing, sign-posting, design, and sales. Participants will be shown the importance of each by examining a variety of draft copies of currently published course books. In each draft copy certain changes were made for good reason. Participants will learn, by seeing real examples of how materials go through various developmental stages, what to focus on and when (i.e. prioritizing ideas and resources). This in turn will lead to improvements in quality and quantity of their own work. In the last 30 minutes, participants’ own material will be distributed for discussion using the seven key factors explained at the beginning of the workshop. The participants will then be invited to comment on future improvements (or radical changes!) that might be needed in order to lead to publication.
Critical thinking for EFL in Japan: The way forward (I think)
Sean Wray
Waseda University International
Critical thinking (CT) has been debated among EFL educators for some time. Supporters claim that it is simply a universal process of thinking that will assist students in both their cognitive and linguistic development. Others harbor concerns that its inclusion represents inappropriate cultural thinking, that its focus is too narrow, or that it requires an already high level of L2 ability. This workshop takes the view that CT is essential in the contemporary Japanese university classroom. CT development imparts a greater understanding of information and provides a meaningful context whereby learners need to express themselves with a greater lexical breadth and depth by tapping into their dormant vocabulary or by increasing their lexical firepower. This workshop will offer insight, suggestions, and practical activities that have been used effectively at different language levels at a university in Tokyo for teachers to consider for use in their own contexts.